Sons of Odin Motorcycle ClubTM




The Sons of Odin Motorcycle Club


was first chartered and established as a three piece patch outlaw motorcycle club


from day number one in Tucson, Arizona in 1966. 


We adhere to the Old School Ways of Honor and Respect, to Live our lives by our own Code,


the Freedom to Ride our Machines and promoting Odin's teachings as it is in the Hamavil.

In the almost fifty-eight years that we been riding these highways and byways of our beloved Nation, we have, and still do,

encounter much more than our share of State sponsored resistance.Our Trademarked Club Property seized and held, 

legal roadblocks and open, blatant harassment, based purely on motorcycling profiling.

 We also have encountered many targeted and random issues regarding our area of operations,

 including private parties that just seem to evaporate our financial means to legally fight back.

 In response, we have decided to open this pilot campaign, the

SOMC Legal Defense and MC Operations Fund.

We invite you to assist us in this fight by your donations to give us more power in combating these issues.

We expect that with your support that this campaign will meet our all our targeted financial goals and we may again fundraise in the future.

 Any and all funds donated and received here will be used for this distinct, exact and definite description for the express benefit of our MC only.

No donation too small, every little bit helps.

 It is said that Freedom isn't free and that is so true on many fronts

and I know that all of us have at one time or another encountered this very issue in all our lives.

In conclusion I wish to thank you in advance for your continued support and help on behalf of

 the Sons of Odin Motorcycle Club.


Ride Safe and Ride Free.


The Sons of Odin Motorcycle Club Nonprofit Corporation is exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3).

 Donors can deduct contributions they make to us under IRC Section 170.

 We are also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under Section 2055, 2106, or 2522.

 Any substantial donation made to us can and will receive documentation of that donation by the Donor simply contacting the Sons of Odin Motorcycle Club Nonprofit Corporation.





                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    /content (c) 2020, Sons of Odin MC 1966.