Sons of Odin Motorcycle Club TM


Articles of Interest


What does the 1% really mean?

The AMA (American Motorcycle Association) stated that 99% of the people at their events were god fearing and family oriented.

The other 1%er was hard riding, hard partying, and non mainstream type people.

Thus the term 1%er was born. It was rumored that the AMA defended the reputation of its association and membership

 with an alleged press release stating that,

"The trouble was caused by the one percent deviant that tarnishes the public image of both motorcycles and motorcyclists"

and going on to say that 99 percent of bikers are law-abiding citizens,  and the "one percent" are nothing more than "outlaws."


Another version of the same AMA statement is that "99% of its members and motorcycle riders were upstanding citizens and credit to the Country

while then publicly disowning the 1% who were not members of the AMA and were just outlaws and would be in anything they do".

However, in 2005 the AMA denied credit for the term, saying that there was no record of any AMA official or published statement

that originally used the "one percent" reference.


The term "One-Percenters" originated from the July 4, 1947, annual Gypsy Tour race sanctioned by the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA)

which was held in Hollister, California. Life magazine picked up on the story and in the July 21, 1947, edition

it ran Peterson's staged photograph on full-page display titled, "Cyclist's Holiday: He and Friends Terrorize Town."


About July 4th 1947 The AMA (American Motorcycle Association) sanctioned and hosted the annual Gypsy Tour race where there was hard partying, some bike wrecks,

disorderly conduct  and some arrests along with staged photos of drunken bikers. However in July 21 1947 Life magazine picked up on the story

and elevated and exaggerated the event as a Biker Riot and the AMA was mortified by the article and bad press.

 It is then because of this bad press that legend has it that the AMA made the statement to try to distance itself and keep its public image intact and clean.


The outlaw clubs instead of being insulted they embraced the 1% term and some of the hard core MC's cut their club patches up in parts

and left the AMA and proudly became what we call today 1%ers.

However remember there are old clubs who are 1% but retain single piece patches so just having a 3 piece patch

 will not make a MC a 1% or outlaw status even though that is the intent at that time.


To be in a real 1% MC, the 1% is not meaning you are engaging in criminal behavior like the Leos try to profile us

but your MC openly operates on a higher standard and seriousness of the MC lifestyle and brotherhood in the MC Community.

 It does not mean you some kind of badass maniac or serial killer, it just means this Brother has given his heart, loyalty and

sworn a oath to a higher purpose before the entire world and will take any means necessary to protect his club,

his brothers and their ol ladies and all friends and loved ones of the Club.


In the Sons of Odin Motorcycle Club it is a fact that these colors do not run! In the beginning the 1% was established as an elite alliance of 1% clubs

which has evolved over time to a somewhat established protocol of methods and procedures and the original intent

was to actually unify all the 1% MCs outside the AMA rather than divide them.

A 1% Diamond identifies that this is a 1% Motorcycle Club and a 1%er Diamond warns other MCs and the general public

 that this particular individual brother is an actual 1%er of a 1% club.


That's why sometimes you see the 1% diamond on the back of the cutte with the actual patch of some of the existing 1% clubs

 in addition to another 1%er Diamond somewhere on front.


He will retain this status all his life, but you cannot be a 1%er because you "identify" as one,

you have to actually prospect and earn the vote and right to join and be a full

member of an established, respected and reputable 1% Club to be a real 1%er.


This is a simple fact.


Anything else is like stolen military valor, unearned and fake and a insult to real 1%ers.

Hope this clears up some things.

                                                                          Gato SOMC 1%er


Just some advice for prospects

A prospect primary duty is to safety and security of the entire club and paying attention to where and what his brothers are at and doing at all times especially at an event.

This is how to prove or to show the Club he wants to be a part of something bigger than himself. The best thing you can be is yourself.

Someone needs help volunteer to help. Be early not just on time. Your bike needs to be in good running condition at all times. No real down time for Prospects.


Never try to pretend you something you are not. If you got this close to us we already kinda got an idea who you are.

Remember you have to earn the trust of every patch holder of your sponsoring Chapter and it has to be 100% vote, so during this time you get the chance to win over those votes.

Never be a kiss ass or smart ass. Don't be an overly friendly funny guy and on the other hand don't be an obnoxious prick.

Keep mostly quiet and keep ears open watching for opportunities to do things for the Club.


Hang-arounds become prospects and prospects become Brothers. The Club is only looking for life long term assets to the Club not short term liabilities.

The life is not for everyone regardless of the impulse and allure and this is the time to find out.


Prospecting is teaching you how to check your ego for the good of the Club. 1%ers are what I would consider Alpha and the ability to check that

 is essential to being a true patch holder.  Always ask yourself "is this good for me or good for the Club?" Then the answer is obvious.


Time is the patchholders friend. It gives us time to get to know and trust you and you time to discover who the fuk we actually are.

In the beginning everyone had to go to everyone's house so is eventual you get to personally know everyone who wears that patch

so knowing your brother is important and especially as the club grows and have more chapters.


We are not a circus and have to be entertained. This is why you don't see us, in the SOMC, belittle or degrade prospects really we are not operating like boot camp

where your torn down and then built up. We try to bring out what is already there for the good of the Club.

That's your potential brother who one day may stand in the path of deadly force to protect you so some respect is expected and deserved.

 Still not gonna be easy.


Mostly you just got to take the initiative and find things to do or assign your self things. It doesn't take long to figure our how to prospect. It mostly is just all about time.

We want to see you wear that full patch is why you got this close in the first place but if was too easy you would not respect it or the price and work others have put into this Club before you.


Paying attention is a big one.


We never ask a prospect to do something that we ourselves would not do. This is a fact.


Never act like you a full patch holder and get too cocky. You're a Prospect for the SOMC not some other club so your not their prospect but ours,

but always try to act respectful but keep this in mind and so if there is any potential friction encountered because another club is hazing or treating you like their prospect,

or any type of disrespect whatsoever, immediately approach your nearest patch holder of the SOMC for intervention and education of whomever.

Prospects always are on Security Duty and you will be there for whatever happens.

Never hesitate to do the right thing. You will know it when you see it.


I don't need to have help lighting my cigarette, I can do that my self but you seeing me about to light up and your Johnny on the spot with a light

is simply showing anyone else who is around and watching you are paying attention and wont be no sneak attacks today..


History, read it, learn it, you must be a sponge because that is the root of who we fuking are.

It separates us from the new startups because we fought for the right to simply exist and have earned our respect and place in the MC community.


I once asked a prospect what we doing today? He goes "I am just a prospect". I said we in the SOMC don't train prospects to be followers we teach them to be leaders.


No prospect should ever be involved in any Club politics whatsoever.

There will be time for that on full patch and trust me you will sometimes wish you was prospecting again and way from that drama.


If you got an ol lady we love family but you should limit her engagement in things until you patch out due to having to either do prospect things or cater to your ol lady

and can lead to conflicts of your time and attention. If with us she should hang with the Valkyries for the most part.

 She got no "property of" yet and that can lead to stupid drunk mfers making poor decisions and is not good for anyone to have that drama.


The basics you know. Never interrupt patch holders talking "unless" is serious security thing needs immediate attention. Mostly all are common sense things.

If you have no clue of the basics then you're in the wrong lifestyle and out of your lane.


Read and memorize your bylaws.


When we walk into a place make a little show of scanning the room for threats, checking camera locations, blind spots other MCs there or their supporters, especially 1%ers.

Stand or sit nearby or with eye on doors and moving people, not hiding the fact you are watching and ready for anything.


Obey established MC protocol introducing yourself to full patch holders and prospects of other clubs when you get close or immediately near them. Eye contact is the key; you will get the hang of it.


Always take off or lower your sunglasses and remove gloves during any introductions or hellos.

If pulled in for a hug avoid touching the back patch especially the center patch sometimes is hard to avoid all of it but it can be considered disrespect.


Always introduce yourself as �I am Prospect "So and So" of the Sons of Odin "Your Sponsoring Chapter"


Or something you can rehearse that's like that, or something along that line of conversation. You gonna do it a lot.

Sometimes we introduce our selves with rank and chapter as well depending on the people or MCs you're talking to.


 Protocol is just an established "treaty talk and behavior of mutual respect" built up over the past years by all the older and respected MCs and Dominates

and it is simply designed to keep the peace and prevent violence and bloodshed.

 This is why it is so damn important, especially to 1%er Clubs.

 They always watching for a hint of disrespect so remember this well.


Keep a close eye on high ranking officers or long term members and check the bikes on a routine. We check bikes, not because we afraid someone gonna steal them,

we making sure they are ready and not blocked in incase we have to Jet somewhere suddenly.


Prospects don't immediately drink until we are sure the site is secure and a patcholder give you permission. You can ask if you feel the times and conditions are right.


In formation you never let your front tire get ahead of a full patch holder; however do not have a wreck trying to overcompensate for this rule.

You will be assigned a place in the formation so stay there and ride like the brothers in front of you and beside you,

keeping it tight and uniform in order to keep intruders from getting inside the formation.

Focus and learn to ride like that all the time and you be okay.

 When the Club is in formation this is the most dangerous time for us all is on the open road

 and you gotta be hyper sensitive and constantly watch for risks or dangers to that formation.


When asked sensitive questions about our numbers or friends or enemies is easy to pass the buck.

 You are a prospect and any of this is above your pay grade and that is exactly what I would say.

Continued conversation persisting you can simply and politely refer them to the nearest patch holder.


We are not bullies to each other or to citizens, they say stupid shit sometimes and simply have no clue of our ways and lifestyle but will always be

fascinated and dazed by it and you cannot spend all your time and energy trying to correct the clueless. Have a little patience.


Remember our motto:

"We don't give shit and we don't take shit; cuz we are not in the shit business."

                                                                                                                                                      Gato SOMC 1%er




To the Sons of Odin Motorcycle Club this means:


It would be probably better if you pass us by and never pick a fight with us.


To us is like a "expect no mercy" or "no surrender" patch or even the ancient pirates black flag


We are a by creation and definition an Outlaw or elite 1% MC and have fought for the right to simply exist.


This does not mean we are engaging in crime or criminal activity but we do stand by and believe in the Castle Doctrine or Stand Your Ground.


We have no duty to retreat and never will.


Most States agree with us and have laws in place for example in Arizona ARS 13-418.


"Deguello" means "decapitation" or, idiomatically, when something is said to be done "a deguello", it means "no quarter"

(as in "no surrender to be given or accepteda fight to the death") in Spanish.


It was also the title of a Moorish-origin bugle call used by the Mexican Army at the Battle of the Alamo, Texas, in 1836.



(Some Trivia since SOMC does use the same Spanish spelling and font as ZZ Top)


It was the first ZZ Top release on Warner Bros. Records and eventually went platinum.

Deguello was produced by Bill Ham, recorded and mixed by Terry Manning, and mastered by Bob Ludwig.


Deguello is the sixth studio album by the American rock band ZZ Top, released in November 1979.




The Story of Odin
By Nathan Anderson

Odin king of the Norse gods symbol of knowledge gives the meaning to knowledge is power.

He gained this power through sacrifice which is true for all beings.

Through sacrificing an eye to the well of knowledge he gained insight and through hanging from the

world tree Yggdrasil for 9 days staring into the cosmos gained the ability to read.

So in turn by reading and seeing knowledge is obtained.

Odin was never the strongest of the gods but with his knowledge, which he obtained through great sacrifice,

he could defeat almost any enemy.

Odin had 2 ravens Hunginn and Muninn which translate to thought and memory.

He also has 2 wolves which names translates to greed and hunger which is fitting since

we always describe knowledge as an edible food.

For example fruit of knowledge, we hunger for knowledge.

Hunginn and Muninn were Odin's spies that would fly around the world collecting information to report to Odin.

Which again symbolic that to gain knowledge you must constantly keep learning as time goes on.

Now on the belief that knowledge is power and not just strength is power.

We know this through any story of battle in history.

Take the story of 300 Spartans, with the knowledge of the land the Spartans were able to hold

of the might of the Persian army but when Persia gained knowledge of a secret path the Spartans were defeated.

Strength without knowledge is a useless tool.

That's why when boxers fight they use tactics and strategy and as soon as they

become angry knowledge is destroyed through emotional response.

This is why the giant wolf Fenrir is symbolic of rage and during Ragnarak swallows Odin whole.

The origin of Wednesday is derived from Woden or Odin's day.






                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    /content (c) 2020, Sons of Odin MC 1966.